Workshop Guidelines

  • The workshop is a closed event; only paper presenters, their mentors, steering committee members, and workshop organizers will participate.
  • Authors submit the paper they will present at least one week prior to the workshop.
    • Papers must be complete and reasonably polished drafts; papers that do not meet this standard will not be presented at the workshop.
  • All papers submitted will be made accessible to all presenters and mentors; papers will not be circulated beyond the workshop participants.
  • Presenters and mentors are encouraged to read all papers prior to the workshop so they are prepared to offer thoughtful, constructive comments on all work being presented.
  • Each paper will have one designated discussant; one workshop organizer will also comment on each paper.
  • Each paper will be considered at the workshop for approximately one hour.
    • Presenters are strongly encouraged to limit their remarks on their work to 2-3 minutes; a powerpoint presentation is not necessary. 
    • The rest of the hour will comprise of discussion of the paper by the designated discussant and other workshop participants.
  • Authors are encouraged to revise their papers following the workshop and seek the advice of workshop participants with regard to where to submit the paper for publication.