Eligibility and Paper Requirements
The next EMW takes place on Sunday, June 22, 2025 at Syracuse University.
Eligibility requirements: Advanced doctoral students in political science and recent PhDs (2018 or later) in political science serving as postdocs, junior faculty, or in other kinds of positions in academia whose home institution is in the U.S. are welcome to submit proposals.
Paper requirements:
● Mainly or completely empirical work that uses a particular qualitative method or is multi-method in nature is not eligible.
● Papers must fully focus on developing, critiquing, challenging, or enhancing a method for collecting, generating, or analyzing qualitative data, or a technique for multi-method research that is grounded in broadly positivist epistemological commitments.
● Work discussing the use of methods in a particular research setting that does not describe a methodological innovation or enhancement will not be considered.
● Work that focuses on methodological development that includes brief empirical examples is encouraged.
To be considered for the 2025 EMW, please complete this Google form by October 21, 2024.
Selection and Support
A small faculty committee will review all eligible proposals and select for presentation at the EMW six papers that contribute to the development of qualitative and multi-method research methodology. Selection will focus on the intellectual and methodological promise of proposals, and the contributions that applicants and their proposed work make to the diversity of the QMMR community. All applicants will be notified of the status of their proposal in November 2024.
The workshop covers round-trip airfare, two nights hotel stay (arranged by the EMW), and meals and refreshments during the workshop.
Each workshop presenter will be paired with a “methods mentor”- a senior scholar in the QMMR community with expertise in the area of their proposed paper– to support them as they develop their paper. In order to participate in the EMW, presenters will be required to circulate to workshop participants a well-developed version of their paper by a deadline set in advance of the workshop. Presenters will also be offered the opportunity to present their work and receive feedback from IQMR faculty and participants on the Monday following the workshop.
Presenters will revise their papers after the workshop, with the continued support of their mentors and the broader EMW community, before submitting them to a peer-reviewed journal. Work presented at the EMW will also be featured in a symposium in the Fall 2025 issue of Qualitative and Multi-Method Research. In addition, EMW 2025 presenters will be invited to present an early version of their paper at the annual Spring Virtual EMW (EMW-V) in March 2025, and to attend EMW-related events at APSA conferences and future EMWs (both at their own expense), as well as to join future EMW-V’s.