Resource Title: Scraping and Parsing Tools Publication/Source: University of Texas Libraries Link:
Resource Title: Leveraging Google+ as a Qualitative Research Platform: Case Studies and Best Practices Publication/Source: Think with Google Link:
Resource Title: Tips for Recording Professional Audio Remotely Publication/Source: Berkeley Advanced Media Institute Link: Tips for Recording Professional Audio Remotely
Resource Title: The Qualitative Report Guide to Qualitative Research Mobile Applications Author(s): Chaneil, R. Publication/Source: The Qualitative Report Link: Mobile Research Applications
Resource Title VizE Lab – Remote Ethnography Publication/Source: Department of Anthropology, Princeton University Link:
Resource Title: Smart surveys for smart phones: Exploring various approaches for conducting online mobile surveys via smartphones Author(s): Buskirk, T. D., & Andrus, C. Publication/Source: Survey Practice Link:
Resource Title: Overview of Features of Software Packages: SurveyMonkey, QuestionPro, FluidSurveys, Wufoo, PollDaddy and MySurvs Author(s): Čehovin,G., Vehovar, V. Publication/Source: Web SM Link:
Resource Title: An Evaluation of Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, Its Rapid Rise, and Its Effective Use Author(s): Buhrmester, M.D., Talaifar, S., Gosling, S.D. Publication/Source: Perspectives on Psychological Science Link:
Resource Title: Using Crowdsourcing Websites for Sociological Research: The Case of Amazon Mechanical Turk Author(s): Shank, D.B. Publication/Source: The American Sociologist Link:
Resource Title: Choosing survey software – How to decide and what to consider Author(s): Kaczmirek, L. Link:
Resource Title: Disrupting transcription – How automation is transforming a foundational research method Author(s): Duca, D. Publication/Source: London School of Economics – Blog Link: Disrupting transcription – How automation is transforming a foundational research method
Resource Title: The Voice Transcription Technique: Use of Voice Recognition Software to Transcribe Digital Interview Data in Qualitative Research Author(s): Matheson, J. L. Publication/Source: The Qualitative Report Link:
Resource Title: Qualitative Data Collection in an Era of Social Distancing Author(s): Lobe, B., Morgan, D., & Hoffman, K. A. Publication/Source: International Journal of Qualitative Methods Link:
Resource Title Conducting Qualitative Interviews and Focus Groups Online Publication/Source: Quirkos Blog Link:
Resource Title: Using Zoom Videoconferencing for Qualitative Data Collection: Perceptions and Experiences of Researchers and Participants Author(s): Archibald, M. M., Ambagtsheer, R. C., Casey, M. G., & Lawless, M. Publication/Source: International Journal of Qualitative Methods Link:
Resource Title: Interviewing and surveying over the phone: a reflexive account of a research on parenting Author(s): Muntanyola Saura, D., Romero Balsas, P. Publication/Source: Quality & Quantity Link:
Resource Title: How to Record Calls on Your Smartphone Author(s): Liz Stinson and Josie Colt Publication/Source: Wired Link:
Resource Title: It’s Good to Talk: Performing and Recording the Telephone Interview Author(s): Nicole Cook Publication/Source: Area Link:
Resource Title: A Comparison of Different Online Sampling Approaches for Generating National Samples Author(s): Miliaikeala S.J., Heen M.A., Joel D. Lieberman, Ph.D., and Terance D. Miethe, Ph.D. Publication/Source: Center for Crime and Justice Policy (UNLV) Link: